Support Local Businesses in The Iowa Lakes Corridor this Small Business Saturday

17 Nov 2023
Small Business Saturday is a time for the Iowa Lakes Corridor Development to extend its heartfelt thanks to the small businesses in Northwest Iowa. These local heroes bring residents joy and play a vital role in strengthening the local economy. Small Business Saturday, which falls on November 25, is the perfect occasion to celebrate and recognize these businesses' incredible contributions.
Small Business Saturday is an annual event that inspires consumers to shop locally at small businesses in person and online. This particular day, every November, offers a significant opportunity for small businesses to boost their sales during the holiday shopping season.
The concept of Small Business Saturday was initiated by American Express in 2010. This idea emerged as a response to the challenging economic times that followed the 2008 financial crisis. The event aimed to place small businesses in the spotlight and underscore their importance in local communities.
Who Can Participate in Small Business Saturday?
Small Business Saturday encourages consumers to shop locally at small businesses, encompassing many enterprises such as retail stores, restaurants, salons, grocery stores, and service-based businesses. This initiative also extends to small businesses operating online.
Benefits of Small Business Saturday
The primary objective of Small Business Saturday is to boost revenue for small businesses during the holiday shopping season. American Express reports impressive figures: consumers spent approximately $17.9 billion on Small Business Saturday in 2022, demonstrating robust support for local businesses.
One compelling statistic stands out: For every dollar spent at a small business in the United States, 68 cents remain in the local community. This statistic underscores the power of shopping small to stimulate local economies.
How to Participate in Small Business Saturday
As a consumer, the best way to support Small Business Saturday is to buy locally and encourage friends and family to do the same. Buying locally can include shopping at local brick-and-mortar businesses and supporting small businesses operating online. Promoting the event using the #ShopSmall hashtag on social media is also effective.
Small business owners interested in participating can take advantage of tools provided by American Express. These include promotional materials like posters and signage for physical stores and digital marketing materials. These resources are available free of charge to American Express merchants.
In addition to utilizing these materials, small business owners can:
- Create special sales events to incentivize spending on Small Business Saturday.
- Implement email marketing campaigns to inform customers of sales events.
- Offer special promotions or discounts to entice customers to shop.
- Collaborate with other small businesses to raise awareness about Small Business Saturday.
Support Small Businesses in Northwest Iowa
Small Business Saturday provides a unique opportunity for shoppers to show their support for local businesses. This event encourages people to shop small during the holidays and throughout the year. Buying locally can help small business owners thrive, create jobs, and contribute to your community's economic well-being. Small business owners can also benefit from increased revenue during the holiday season by participating in this annual event.
The Iowa Lakes Corridor Development team is proud of the awe-inspiring small businesses and nonprofits that add character to our community. We welcome community members to join us in shopping small and helping local nonprofits on these special days and throughout the year!
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