Governor Reynolds today announced that conditional awards are beginning to be approved for disaster impacted Iowa homeowners through the state-funded Disaster Recovery Housing Assistance Program (DRHAP). The awards will allow homeowners to begin rebuilding or be reimbursed for eligible expenses incurred. "Fast-tracking relief for disaster-impacted Iowans has been my priority, and I’m pleased to announce that funds have started being awarded to homeowners," said Gov. Reynolds...
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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Spencer Chamber Foundation Launches Flood Recovery FundSpencer, IA – August 6, 2024 – The Spencer Chamber Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of the Flood Recovery Fund to help those affected by recent flooding. This fund aims to support residents and businesses in Spencer who have faced losses due to the disaster. To date, the Chamber Foundation has received approximately $250,000 in donations ranging from...
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals, Businesses
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Stay In Touch With FEMA DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowans affected by recent tornadoes, storms and flooding should stay in touch with FEMA to ensure their disaster assistance process stays on track. FEMA funding is available to homeowners and renters in Adair, Adams, Buena Vista, Cedar, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Harrison, Humboldt, Jasper, Lyon, Mills, Montgomery, O’Brien, Osceola, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Polk, Pottawattamie, Ringgold, Shelby, Sioux, Story,...
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals, Businesses
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Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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For more information, contact Spencer Community Schools!
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals, Businesses
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IAR will provide up to $2,500 in housing relief to individuals who primarily reside in Buena Vista, Carroll, Cerro Gordo, Cherokee, Clay, Dickinson, Emmet, Floyd, Fremont, Hancock, Harrison, Humboldt, Kossuth, Lyon, Monona, Mills, O'Brien, Osceola, Palo Alto, Plymouth, Pocahontas, Pottawattamie, Sioux, Webster, Winnebago, Woodbury, Worth, and Wright Counties. DEADLINE: AUGUST 28, 2024DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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Added For Buena Vista, Cherokee, and O'Brien Counties - July 5, 2024.For Clay, Emmet, Lyon, Plymouth, and Sioux Counties - June 25, 2024Disaster unemployment assistance now avaialble due to Presidential Major Disaster DeclarationImpacted individuals can start applying today, applications must be filed by August 23, 2024.
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals, Businesses
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If your home was flooded, mold may be present and can pose a health risk.You may see or smell mold on clothing, drywall or furniture, and it may be hidden under or behind items like flooring, appliances or walls. Drying your home and removing water-damaged items is the most important step to repair mold damage.Learn more on proper clean-up and safety here:
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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Esta encuesta está siendo realizada por la Ciudad de Spencer para identificar y evaluar los desafíos, problemas y necesidades actuales de todos nuestros residentes y hogares/casas relacionados con las recientes inundaciones. La información se utilizará de inmediato para dirigir la respuesta, solucionar problemas, solicitar asistencia y guiar los esfuerzos de recuperación.
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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A fact sheet regarding FEMA Disaster Assistance for Non-U.S. Citizens
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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Contact: Rosemary Adenrosemary.aden@iwd.iowa.gov712-262-1971
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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The State of Iowa website for disaster recovery.
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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This document is a collection of potential grant, loan, and technical assistance programs that may be able to assist with your community's needs. You may also visit DisasterRecovery.Iowa.Gov.
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals, Businesses
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Beware of scams and contractors performing Unauthorized Practice of Public Adjusting. This resource shares more information from the Iowa Department of Insurance
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals, Businesses
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After a disaster, fraudsters and scam artists often arrive quickly. The Iowa Department of Insurance and Financial Services has 10 tips for how to protect yourself and your hard-earned money.
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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Filter through federal disaster relief by category type or federal agency.
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals, Businesses
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Official FEMA website for disaster assistance.
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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FEMA link to report residential & business damages.
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals, Businesses
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IIAGP offers grants to families whose household’s annual income is at 200% or less of the federal poverty level. Each eligible household may receive up to $5,000 for items that qualify under one of the four categories: temporary housing, food assistance, personal property, and home repair. Supporting documentation is required.The IIAGP is activated when the Governor issues a disaster proclamation turning on IIAGP for the affected...
Category: Disaster Relief, Housing and Individuals
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The Commercial New Construction (or CNC) program is complimentary, provides complimentary energy analysis, and results in rebate funds from the utility for implementing energy efficiency in design.
Projects that qualify
Receive electricity from MidAmerican Energy or Alliant Energy
5,000 sf or larger
Commercial spaces (including multifamily projects)
Are early in schematics or design development
New Construction OR additions/renovations that include...
Category: Housing, Developers, Education, Retail
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Workforce Housing Tax Credits assist construction or rehabilitation of housing in communities with workforce housing needs.
The program provides tax benefits to developers to provide housing in Iowa communities, focusing especially on those projects using abandoned, empty or dilapidated properties.
Who Qualifies?
Projects must meet one of four criteria:
Housing development located on a grayfield or brownfield site
Repair or...
Category: Housing
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Loans to assist in the purchase of lots for the purpose of building speculative homes in rural communities. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Category: Housing
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Funds may be used for the production or preservation of permanent affordable rental housing through new construction, adaptive reuse and/or rehabilitation projects. Proposed projects addressing the needs of extremely low-income renters-those with incomes below 30% of Area Median Income (AMI)-are a high priority for the Iowa Finance Authority.
Category: Housing
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The Multifamily Loan Program provides financing options to multifamily property owners and developers to assist in the preservation of existing affordable rental units and to foster the production of new affordable units in Iowa.
Category: Housing
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The federal low-income housing tax credit program acts as an incentive for property owners to invest in the development of rental housing for individuals and families with fixed or limited incomes.
The housing tax credit provides a dollar-for-dollar reduction (or credit) to offset an owner's federal tax liability on ordinary income for a 10-year period.
Category: Housing
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The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) annually provides funding to states and localities to advance affordable housing priorities. The Iowa Finance Authority administers the State of Iowa's HOME allocation and awards funds through a competitive application process to assist communities with a wide-range of affordable housing initiatives including Rental Assistance to provide property owners and developers with funds to develop and preserve affordable rental...
Category: Housing
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The Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Revolving Loan Program Fund assists the development and expansion of facilities and infrastructure that provide health and wellness programs, health screenings, nutritional assessments, adult day services, respite services and congregate meals for low-income Iowans.
Category: Housing
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This fund is to further the availability of affordable housing and supportive services for Medicaid waiver-eligible individuals with behaviors that provide significant barriers to accessing traditional rental and supportive service opportunities.
The fund provides low-interest loans to those serving a target population of Medicaid members enrolled in or eligibile for Home- and Community-Based Intellectual Disability and/or Brain Injury Waivers.
Category: Housing
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