Grants to safely clean up and sustainably reuse contaminated properties
Category: Expansion
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Redevelopment of abandoned industrial spaces
Category: Expansion
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Employee Stock Ownership Plan.
Category: Expansion, Eship SmallBiz
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Their individually tailored strategy Engage. Educate. Embed. Means they work with companies to fashion solutions specific to their individual needs.
Category: Expansion
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Manufacturing companies that reimagine their services and refine their operations are unlocking massive benefits through increased productivity and reductions in costs, waste, and lead times
Category: Expansion
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Loans offered for expansion/renovation; new construction, purchase land or buildings; purchase equipment, fixtures, leasehold improvements; working capital; refinancing debt for compelling reasons; and revolving lines of credit (up to 7-year maturity).SBDC Contacts: Larry Wajda, Regional Director Justin Faiferlick, Regional Director Northwest Iowa SBDC North Central Iowa SBDC
Category: Expansion, Eship SmallBiz
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Grants to Iowa companies for internship programs in STEM fields.
Category: Workforce, Expansion
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Grants to small and medium-sized companies in targeted industries to support internship programs.
Category: Workforce, Expansion
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There are more than 1,000 occupations eligible for apprenticeship training grants. Iowa Workforce Development administers all apprenticeship programs.
Category: Workforce, Expansion
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Partnering with community colleges to train workforce.
Category: Workforce, Expansion
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Funding assistance for training projects in which two or more businesses participate.
Category: Workforce, Expansion
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Providing job training to current employees.
Category: Workforce, Expansion
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Creating new jobs with employee training.
Category: Workforce, Expansion
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Category: Expansion, State, State Partners
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Like New Market Tax Credits, the Opportunity Zones program is restricted to qualifying census tracts in Buena Vista and Emmet counties.
Category: Expansion, State, State Partners
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This one-time, corporate income tax credit is available to participants in the New Jobs Training (260E) Program. Iowa offers this credit as an incentive for businesses that provide additional training to employees and expand their workforce.
Category: Expansion, State, State Partners
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The High-Quality Jobs (HQJ) program provides qualifying businesses assistance to offset some of the costs incurred to locate, expand or modernize an Iowa facility.
Category: Expansion, State, State Partners
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Category: Developers, Financial Assistance, Business, IEDA, Expansion, State Partners
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