2024 Large Business of the Year: Merrill Manufacturing Company

7 Mar 2024
Iowa, Company Profile, Buena Vista County, Awards, Awards and Recognition
The Corridor’s 2024 Large Business of the Year is Merrill Manufacturing, manufacturer and distributor of well water system products like hydrants, faucets, well parts, and other rural water parts. Celebrating 75 years in business, most of which have been in Storm Lake, Merrill is a third-generation Iowa business.
“We’ve gone through a lot and grown a lot. It’s all part of growing with any industry: You try something new, develop and innovate. The more you can do that, the more you’re going to grow and take all those next steps to get bigger and bigger.” – Steve Anderson, President.
Noel Merrill Anderson founded Merrill Manufacturing Company in 1949 in a one-car garage in Des Moines. In 1957, he relocated the company to Storm Lake and built a new building, the same building in which Merrill is to this day! As the company has grown steadily over the past 65 years, so has the building with multiple additions to the structure, purchase of the next-door bank building that became Merrill’s sales office, and another building in the north end of Storm Lake for warehouse and distribution. They also now have over 60 employees, many of which have held positions for several decades due in part to their innovative self-scheduling practices.
“He (Noel) decided he wanted a more business-friendly climate. He was originally from Northwest Iowa and decided to come back. He liked Storm Lake and the Community, got together with the city and helped him build the original building.” – Steve Anderson, President.
Merrill has achieved nearly 25 patented product inventions and has been honored with the Global Iowa Export Award. US Senator Joni Ernst recently recognized Merrill Manufacturing Company as the Buena Vista County Small Business of the Week. The company is committed to its employees and customers, and it is trusted to meet any need, anywhere, to keep safe water flowing.
“At Merrill Manufacturing, our mission is to be the leader in the water systems industry by continually providing the highest possible level of service, quality and selection, while respecting the environment and community in which we operate.” Merrill Manufacturing’s Mission Statement
As shared in Merrill’s nomination, “The impact on the rural backbone of our Northwest Iowa region cannot be overstated – the company literally makes it possible to live and work in rural America by providing the equipment for safe, reliable sources of well and yard water. Its products also make it possible to serve parks with water that are not on a municipal system. A class operation with top-notch people, it does the Corridor proud.”
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