Okoboji Entrepreneurial Institute 2024 Recap

27 Aug 2024
OEI Entrepreneurship, OEI, Entrepreneurship, Okoboji Entrepreneurial Institute, News
On August 11th, we welcomed 28 college students from across the state (Buena Vista University, Dordt University, Iowa Lakes Community College, Iowa State University, University of Iowa, and University of Northern Iowa to the Iowa Lakes Corridor region for the 18th Okoboji Entrepreneurial Institute.
Throughout the week, each student focused on their individual business ventures while connecting with business leaders (and each other). Some students just had a business idea or interest. Others had businesses that had already begun to produce revenue. All students involved had valuable opportunities to sit down with a variety of business owners, community leaders, and OEI alumni for “speed coaching” sessions, being able to discuss their ideas and get feedback one-on-one.
Two afternoons were spent in Corridor-region businesses, with small groups of the OEI students getting a chance to go in and tour our local businesses and speak with owners and leadership about doing business in the Iowa Lakes Corridor. Students heard from speakers and panelists, from OEI alumni to local business owners, even to resource centers like the SBDC and learning about disaster recovery efforts and the resources available to small businesses.
The OEI class served the community through a “scavenger hunt”-style race to purchase goods for the Community Distribution Center in Spencer. They received passes to use at Arnolds Park Amusement Park and were able to relax on the lake on a sunset boat cruise. The last day, each student pitched their business in front of panels of judges, and the top two from each section (idea stage, early stage, and revenue stage) received an award at the Sendoff Reception that evening.
The themes that rang throughout the week were connection and community. Speakers stressed the importance of networking and connecting with each other and the mentors and coaches they met throughout the week. The students heard from so many individuals the importance of using their time, talent, and treasures to give back to their communities.
One response from a student we’ve received already was, “Thank you for a LIFE-CHANGING week. I can’t begin to express the growth and value gained from this experience. I would pay thousands to experience something like this again.”
Thank you to EVERYONE who made this week possible! To our sponsors who financially supported these students being here for a week, to the speakers and mentors who gave of their time to pour into these young minds, to the host families who opened their homes and welcomed students as their own children 6 days, all of the OEI faculty members from each school that selected students to be a part of the program and were here to facilitate the educational aspects of the week, and to our OEI Intern Olivia Hogan who did an amazing job doing the event planning and coordinating to help make this year a success!
If you are interested in learning more about the Okoboji Entrepreneurial Institute or want to get involved, please contact Alyssa Petersen at apetersen@lakescorridor.com.
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