Corridor releases 2023 Annual Report

19 Feb 2024
Blog, Regionalism, Economic Development, Success Stories, Press Release, News Release
The Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corporation (Corridor) unveiled their 2023 Annual Report of Activities at their recent Business Recognition Luncheon.
The theme of the report is “The Place for You,” emphasizing why the four-county Corridor region is the place to locate for businesses and individuals. The report walks through many accomplishments and developments in the region over the last year including recruitment of businesses like Mahaska and Dakota Supply Group; a summary of the 74 business retention and expansion visits completed in 2023; projected expansion projects for the next three to five years with over $524 million in capital investment estimated and more than 350 new jobs; a number of groundbreaking and expansion projects that were supported; successful business transitions either to new ownership or locations within the region; information on tools such as SizeUp, Community Venture Network, and Retail Coach; a summary of manufacturing month last October; and more!
“Though our annual report gives a snapshot of the last year, there are so many other things that happened or are in progress now,” said Corridor President and CEO Curt Strouth. “There are numerous projects and partnerships that continue to strengthen and grow our region. We look forward to what 2024 has in store for our organization and our communities.”
The Corridor’s full annual report can be viewed on the website at, by picking one up at the office or contacting the Corridor at 712-264-3474.
About the Iowa Lakes Corridor
The Iowa Lakes Corridor Development Corporation is the regional economic development agency for Buena Vista, Clay, Dickinson and Emmet counties. The Iowa Lakes Corridor’s mission is to foster, encourage, promote, aid or otherwise assist in the economic development growth and development of the four-county region.
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